Terms and Conditions

revision of 01.01.2021.

Administrator, publishes this Public Agreement (the "User Agreement" and/or the "Agreement") for access to the website .

For the purpose of uniform understanding and interpretation of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties have agreed to define the meanings of the following terms:

Site or website - internet page at , which belongs to the Administrator.

Internet - a worldwide shared information system, logically linked by a global address space and based on the Internet protocol defined by international standards.

Advertisement - information about a person or a product/service, disseminated in any form or by any means, and intended to form or maintain the awareness of consumers of advertising and their interest in such a person or product.

Website IP address - the numeric and/or symbolic identifier of domain names in the domain name hierarchy defined by the international standards in force on the Internet.

User is any person or entity that has accessed and/or visited (opened) any page of the site. A user is also a person who has provided the Administrator with any information and materials for the site or articles posted on the site.

Commentary - explanation, explanatory notes to any information posted on the site, interpretation or reasoning of users of the site, explanatory or critical remarks about posted information.

Authentication - the process of verifying the authenticity of the ID presented by the user by comparing the password entered by the user (for the specified login) with the password stored in the database of user logins. Can be performed by means of third-party software and by means defined by them

Accessing the website is carried out on the terms and conditions described in this document. The Agreement may be changed unilaterally by the Administrator without prior notice to the user. The current version of the Agreement with all changes is available on the page "User Agreement", which can be accessed through the main initial (home) page of the site . The new version of the Agreement enters into force and becomes binding on all users as soon as the new version of the Agreement is published on the Site.

The moment of conclusion of this Agreement shall be the moment when the user navigates to or visits the site and/or any page of the site by any device or means at any time and regardless of the full or mobile version of the site.

By interacting with the site, users confirm their full and unconditional agreement with all the terms of this agreement and the privacy policy, and undertake to comply with their provisions and not to violate the established rules of use.

This Agreement establishes the terms of use of the site and is a legally binding contract between Administrator and the User intended for the user of the site.

The site is distributed on the World Wide Web and includes information, materials and data provided by Administrator and third parties.

User access to the Site means that the User accepts and agrees to comply with all of the following terms and conditions of this Agreement.

If the User does not agree with these terms in whole or in part and does not accept the terms of the Agreement, it is considered that the Administrator has refused to provide such a user access to the site.

Viewing the site and/or any page of the site by the User indicates that the User has accepted the terms of this Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions, and has assumed obligations to abide by them. If the User does not agree with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the User has no right to use and/or visit or view the site and must leave the site.

Terms of use and posted materials

All information on the Site (including articles, texts, photo images, video, audio, illustrations, website design, as well as selection, arrangement and systematization) is the object of intellectual property and protected in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine on protection of intellectual property.

Administrator is the owner of the exclusive rights to the specified information (except for the cases specially specified in the content of the information published on the Site and other conditions of use set forth in the agreement with the right holder) and represents the interests of the authors of materials placed on the Site.

Quotations of text materials (literary works) published on the Site are permitted, subject to the following conditions:

Any other use of the articles, photos, illustrations and all other materials on the site without the written permission of Administrator, including copying (including recording on media), reproduction (including reproduction on the Internet sites for any purpose, including reviews), processing, distribution, broadcasting, communication to the public on the Internet, bringing to public notice by any other means, is prohibited and is subject to liability provided by the legislation of Ukraine on protection

All names, titles, trademarks, signs and slogans duly registered are the property of their legal owners. No special marks are used in the materials on this site to designate them.

User undertakes to use the Site only for purposes that do not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as the principles of reasonableness and morality. Any materials posted on the Site may be removed if their content contradicts the editorial policy of the Site or Ukrainian legislation.

All photographs and images used on the site are obtained with the consent of the author and/or from public sources, and are used for non-commercial purposes, to highlight and inform the general public about the work or event and/or news.

The user undertakes not to post on the site in any form or send through and/or by means of the site any materials of the following nature:

Any material posted on the Site may be removed if its content contradicts the editorial policy of the site or the laws of the country.

In materials and articles on the site, participants appear under their own names and with their own photos, unless otherwise indicated in the text itself.

Images and other violations of generally accepted rules of normal behavior are categorically unacceptable.

Administrator reserves the right to restrict the ability to use the site and terminate access to the site of users who do not adhere to this Agreement, including those who place advertising of any goods, services, works and / or other products activity, advertising materials, commercial offers, links to the object of advertising and promotional information.

Any actions of the user, which, in the opinion of Administrator, limit or prevent the rights of other Users who have access to the Site are not allowed.

The User agrees not to violate the provisions of this Agreement.

Placing any material in the sections of the site, the User provides Administrator and / or confirms that the owner of such materials has provided Administrator, free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive rights throughout the world for the duration of copyright protection provided by the laws of Ukraine, with respect to such materials, with the right to sublicense to third parties to use materials in the following ways:

No additional formalities, including written ones, are required from the User to confirm the granting of rights by Administrator.

Administrator does not refund to the User any materials posted by the User on the Site.

In the case of establishing the fact of transfer of materials obtained on the Site to third parties or access to them with the help and/or participation of the User, Administrator reserves the right to restrict the User's access to the specified material or section of the site.

Administrator may provide users of the site technical opportunity to write, save and display comments to the information materials after the display of the main text of the information materials on the site.

Writing and/or leaving comments can only be done if the User is authenticated. Administrator shall not be liable to the User for the authentication by third parties and the possibility of writing and/or saving comments.

Saving user comments on the site is performed together with the use of the user name specified by him in the third-party software through which the authentication was performed.

There is no limit to the total number of comments.

Any comments are solely the personal opinion of each individual user and are in no way endorsed or used by the site owner. Administrator, LLC does not pre-edit or perform any review of comments written/saved by users and has no obligation to respond in any way to any comments by Users.

Only the person who left the comment is responsible for the text or information written as a comment.

The user undertakes not to post any comments on the site that:

Administrator has the right, at its own initiative and at its own will, without warning the user to block the technical ability of such a user to write any comments for a period of time determined by Administrator or indefinitely.

User Responsibility

Regarding users who do not comply with the terms of this Agreement, the Administrator reserves the unconditional right to terminate access to the Site for a specified period or completely, and the Administrator has the right to remove any material posted on this site by the User. The choice of measures is the exclusive right of the Administrator. Preliminary warnings about violation of the Agreement are not sent to users. This paragraph of the Agreement does not mean and can not be interpreted as such, which imposes on the Administrator duty to regularly moderate (control the content) materials posted on the site.

The User undertakes to compensate losses of the Administrator, including legal expenses caused by the User's materials, non-compliance with the provisions of this Agreement or violation of the rights of third parties, regardless of whether the User is registered or not. User is personally responsible for actions while using the Site.

Ignorance of the rules, including restrictions on the placement of information and use of site resources does not exempt the User (including the user) of the site from their performance, and in case of violation - from liability under the terms of this Agreement and the laws of Ukraine.

A visitor who considers the information on the site to be such that it directly violates anyone's interests, and the user who posted the information may contact the Administration of the site to resolve disagreements caused by the information posted on the site. Such visitors and / or users are required to independently, by communicating within the site to try to solve the disputes in their opinion, taking reasonable measures to do so.

Site Administration is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses incurred by visitors, users or third parties, as well as for the loss of profits as a result of the Administrator.

The User agrees not to use on their own or with the involvement of third parties to use the site's features for what may be qualified as a violation of third party intellectual property rights, unfair competition, or other violation of the laws of the country of the User or the country of persons who have been damaged or harmed.

The user has no right to perform actions that affect the normal operation of the site and is its unfair use.

Administrator is not responsible for the use (both lawful and unlawful) by third parties of the information posted on the site, including its reproduction and distribution, committed as part of this Agreement, and other possible ways.

The user understands and fully agrees that:

The user may not interfere with the operation of the site and its software, to decompile, parse, recode, and other unauthorized interference.

By accepting this agreement, the User confirms that he understands his rights and obligations, as well as the purposes and procedure for the collection, storage and processing of his personal data. The User also agrees that the period of collection, storage and processing of his personal data is indefinite. However, the User may at any time change (update, supplement) the provided personal data or part thereof, as well as request the Administrator to completely remove his account from the database by written request to the Administrator.

The purpose of collecting, storing and processing personal data is to prevent possible fraudulent actions on the part of Users, as well as to provide the User with personalized website services, including: targeting advertising materials, use within display advertising, remarketing on the Internet, communication with the user, including including sending this agreement in writing, messages, requests and information relating to the use of the site, the provision of services, the processing of user requests, as well as other services.

In addition to basic personal data (name, surname, patronymic, address, phone number and email address), the Administrator may also collect, process and store additional (technical) user data, such as cookies, connection information, system information and other. The processing of personal data includes any action and / or set of actions related to the collection, registration, collection, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and distribution (implementation, transmission), removal of personal data in order to ensure the necessary services of the site. User agrees to the Administrator to use cookies to inform, optimize and display materials based on previous visits to the site by the User.

This Agreement comes into force the moment the User starts using the site and is valid indefinitely.

In case the Administrator has made any changes to the Agreement with which the User does not agree, he is obliged to stop using the site. The fact of continuing to use the site is a confirmation of the user's agreement with the relevant edition of the Agreement.

A court ruling that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.